About Me
My Story

Walking home from a routine office job in the late 90s, I was inspired to learn massage and have loved bodywork ever since. I found that there is always more to learn and explore about the human body’s function and capacity.​
In the Spring of 2007, shortly after the birth of my child, I was exploring the practices of kindness and gentle intervention in my parenting when I discovered the gentle and powerful techniques of Ortho-Bionomy.
I felt aspects of my life coming together as I learned more about this modality full of ease that optimizes the body’s own natural healing process by supporting and enhancing its own innate self-correcting responses.
I have a sense of deep meaning and appreciation of my work and I look forward to discovering how Ortho-Bionomy can help you.
My Philosophy

Our capacity for self-healing is astonishing.
Ortho-Bionomy sessions support and guide you in that process. I use a safe, gentle touch to promote your body’s innate intelligence and awareness. I bring a curious sense of wonder to each session, even if I’ve seen you many times before.
We work as a team. You will help me by sharing what feels best for you as I gently move your body into comfortable positions. One of the main principles of Ortho-Bionomy is to not create more pain.
Together we gently work with the healing power of your body to enhance your capacity to function with ease and to reduce your pain and discomfort.
My Training
Registered Instructor & Advanced Practitioner
Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® (SOBI)
Registered Member since 2011
Over 1,500 hours of classroom training and mentoring, with
membership acceptance as:
Associate Member (2011)
Practitioner Member (2015)
Advanced Practitioner Member (2016)
Instructor Member (2020)
Advanced Acupressure Program
Acupressure Institute, Berkeley, CA
Certified 2004
850 hours of training in acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, and Tui Na massage, with special focus on teacher training.
CranioSacral Therapy
Upledger Institute
2000- 2008
Over 200 hours of classroom and hands-on training in CranioSacral techniques including oral, prenatal, and pediatric work.
Massage Therapy Graduate
National Holistic Institute. Emeryville, CA
Graduated November 1998
720 hours of classroom, supervised clinic, and internship in bodywork, anatomy, business practices, and ethics.
Licensed Massage Therapist, Oregon license #17972
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, BCTMB # 285072-00
SOBI Professional Member #2740
NCBTMB Approved Continuing Education Provider #1000511