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What to Expect

Initial Session with Intake

In our first session, I will take time to ask questions and really listen to what you say about your pain and tension patterns, injuries you have sustained, how you typically use your body, and other information to further understand your current situation. Your answers will help give us a starting place for the session. This is also time for you to ask me questions, if you have any, about what to expect during an Ortho-Bionomy session. 


Plan on an hour and a half for this initial session with intake. 

Your Ortho-Bionomy Session

  • Fully clothed
    Ortho-Bionomy sessions are done with clothes on. Please wear comfortable clothing that allows free movement, as I may be moving your arms or legs. Layers can be helpful to keep you warm or cool enough, along with the blankets I have available.

  • Partner in healing
    We work as a team. You will help me by reporting what feels best for you as I gently move your body into comfortable positions. One of the main principles of Ortho-Bionomy is to not create more pain.

  • A comfortable table
    You will lie on a comfortable padded massage table, heated for comfort when appropriate. I can add pillows under your knees or elsewhere to help support you in a position that is as relaxed and at ease as possible.

  • In Person Safety Practices
    Because of my health history, I wear a M95 mask and ask clients to mask during their session (you can bring your own or use one I provide). I sanitize all frequently touched surfaces between clients and have multiple HEPA filters in the room. If either of us is symptomatic we will reschedule.

  • Home office
    I see clients in my home office near the center of Ashland. My office and adjoining bathroom are dedicated to my bodywork practice. I am happy to welcome you into my home and ask for your understanding that while I have worked hard to make it a comfortable healing environment, it is not an office building.

“Melissa’s bodywork is gentle and effective. She provides personalized sessions tailored to your needs through her excellent listening skills and compassion. I am incredibly pleased with the results of her work.” 
Roxann S

Melissa Malm


©2016 , revised 2024

415-595-0328 (texting best)

Ortho-Bionomy®, the Sand Dollar design, and Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® are registered trademarks
of the Society of of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and are used with permission.
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